
Supplément grammatical

This supplement addresses the need for clear explanations of French grammar in English. Students are asked to analyze texts and to think about what they observe, before being lead through examples focused on specific aspects of the grammar.

Additional exercises are also provided to enable students to practice on their own, although these exercises could be used in other ways.

I am grateful to have been able to use Grammaire ouverte as a source for some of the explanations; that work is released under a CC BY license.  I have translated these explanations into English, simplified them as needed for the target users of Communiquons, and provided attribution as appropriate.  All other content is my own and can be used under the terms of the CC BY NC license of this book.

Gillian Weatherley


Symbole de License Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’utilisation commerciale 4.0 International

Communiquons Droit d'auteur © par Gillian Weatherley est sous licence License Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’utilisation commerciale 4.0 International, sauf indication contraire.