
Wrapping Up: Podcasting Conversation Extravaganza

Karis Brown; Jack Harte; Jessica Saunders; Tami Albin; and Shannon O'Lear

Group of 4 people sitting at table and conducting a podcast.
Left to right: Shannon O’Lear, Karis Brown, Jack Harte, Jessica Saunders. Not pictured: Tami Albin.


On May 5th, 2022, Shannon, Jack, Karis, Jessica, and Tami came together in the KU Libraries’ Makerspace for a wrap up conversation reflecting on the 2021 Environmental Geopolitics podcasting project and working on the Podcasting Perspectives on Environmental Geopolitics Pressbook during the 2022 Spring semester. This  90+ minute conversation was condensed into 5 short podcasts, roughly between 8 to 14 minutes,  and cover the following topics – durable versus disposable assignments, creating an open education resource, challenges and advice for studentspaying it forward, and concluding thoughts.



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Podcast Perspectives of Environmental Geopolitics Copyright © 2022 by Clae Blanck; Ellie Rubinger; Hannah Vander Meulen; Jack Harte; Jessica Saunders; Karis Brown; Marlowe Kastens; Noah Faddis; Shannon O'Lear; and Tami Albin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.