
20.2 Comparative Degree of Adjectives (Exceptions)

storefront with a sale on a window

In this module, you will learn to recognize and use some comparative forms of adjectives that are exceptions to the general rules seen in Module 20.1.

Завдання 1

Select the most appropriate caption for each image. Note the comparative forms of adjectives (bolded) and answer the questions below.

Завдання 2

You will hear six sentences. Select the most appropriate response to each.

Завдання 3

Read the text below and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate adjectival forms from the bank.


The adjective висо́кий has an unusual comparative-degree form that must be memorized:

Я до́сить висо́ка, але́ моя́ сестра́ ще ви́ща.


Завдання 4

A man is showing photos of his recent hiking trip to a friend. Read their conversation and answer the questions that follow.

– Сергі́ю, які́ чудо́ві Карпа́ти! Як назива́ється ця гора́?
– Це гора́ Хом’я́к.
– Вона́ висо́ка?
– Не ду́же, але ви́ща, ніж бага́то і́нших гір, де ми були́.
– Вона́ ви́ща, ніж дві ти́сячі ме́трів?
– Ні. І Гове́рла, і Піп Іва́н, і Пе́трос набага́то (by much) ви́щі! Але́ йти на Хом’я́к неле́гко. Є ва́жчі місця́, ніж по доро́зі (en route) на Гове́рлу!



Just like in English, several adjectives in Ukrainian have comparative forms that are completely different from their dictionary forms. Remember these four:

вели́кийбі́льший (big/large – bigger)
мали́й, мале́нькийме́нший (small/little – smaller)
до́брийкра́щий (good – better)
пога́нийгі́рший (bad – worse)

When the adjective до́брий is used in the meaning of “kind,” its comparative-degree form is regular:



Завдання 5

Read the text and mark all comparative-form adjectives that denote negative qualities. Then answer the questions below.

Завдання 6

You will hear six questions. Select the most appropriate response to each.

Завдання 7

Read the series of dialogues at an outdoor souvenir bazaar and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate adjectival forms from the bank.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the conversation below by selecting the appropriate adjectives from the bank and changing their forms as required by the grammatical context. You should use each adjective only once.

Images courtesy of Oleksandra Wallo


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