

Dobra forma (Good Form) is a web-based overview of Ukrainian grammar with contextualized activities that enable students to internalize correct grammatical forms as they focus on the communication of meaning. This approach recognizes that students need to see, hear, and process a target structure in context multiple times before they can reliably produce it themselves.

The modules begin with activities that encourage students to comprehend what is said or written while also focusing on how the target structure encodes that meaning; and only after these crucial, initial steps will the students proceed to activities in which they produce the target structures themselves. Such an approach enables students to gain an implicit knowledge of grammar that will increase their ability to interpret new structures. Dobra forma utilizes the 1,500 most common vocabulary items and includes computer-graded activities, making it easy to incorporate into any elementary or intermediate course in Ukrainian or into an independent self-study program.


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Добра форма Copyright © 2022 by Oleksandra Wallo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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