Vocabulary Module 13: Umwelt
In this module, you will learn some vocabulary to talk about the environment (die Umwelt) using Das Digitale Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache (DWDS), a large electronic collection of German texts known as a corpus. Let’s explore what words German speakers use to talk about the environment. Go to the DWDS homepage and type Umwelt in the search box. You will be taken to a page that gives you a lot of information about this word, but we will focus on the so-called ‘word cloud’ which is available in the Typische Verbindungen section.

The word cloud above shows words that commonly occur with the word Umwelt. They are called collocates of Umwelt. The larger the word is in the cloud, the more frequently it co-occurs with Umwelt. You can also see a numerical representation of the frequency of co-occurrence by looking at the Überblick table for Umwelt accessible through the Detailliertere Informationen link above the word cloud.
Activity 1
First, let’s review the meaning of the adjectives and verbs which are frequently used with Umwelt by matching them with their English equivalents. If needed, you can consult the online dictionary LEO.
You probably noticed that the words in 1A refer to attributes and actions that are either positive or negative for the environment.
Now, let’s explore some of these collocates of Umwelt further.
Now, let’s review the meaning of some German nouns which are frequently used with Umwelt. Match three nouns below with their English equivalents. If needed, you can consult the online dictionary LEO.
To see other nouns closely associated with Umwelt, click the Detailliertere Informationen link above its word cloud and scroll down to the table hat in Koordination mit. Match the nouns in the list below with their English equivalents. If needed, you can consult the online dictionary LEO.
Click on the words in the table to see their usage examples with Umwelt. E.g.: Der «böse Verkehr» schädigt Umwelt und Gesundheit und belastet so die Allgemeinheit.
Activity 2
Gesundheit is strongly associated with Umwelt. Search for Gesundheit from the DWDS main page and scroll down to its word cloud. Then, click the Detailliertere Informationen link above its word cloud and scroll down to the table hat in Koordination mit. Match the nouns in the list below with their English equivalents. If needed, you can consult the online dictionary LEO.
Click on the words in the table to see their usage examples with Gesundheit. E.g.: In Deutschland gibt es großes Interesse an Apps rund um Gesundheit, Entspannung und Fitness.
Next, let’s explore what adjectives characterize health in German texts. Read the 5 examples below with Gesundheit taken from the DWDS website. Then choose the correct translation for each adjective-noun combination.
- Wichtigster Faktor für das wahrgenommene Glück eines Menschen sei jedoch die geistige Gesundheit.
Die Zeit, 11.11.2013, Nr. 45 - Besonders hellhörig wird man als Arzt bei chronischen Schmerzen ohne fassbare Organerkrankung oder bei hartnäckigem Schwindel und guter körperlicher Gesundheit.
Die Zeit, 16.07.2012, Nr. 28 - Die Prüfungen seien zum Schluss gekommen, dass sich “keine negativen Einflüsse auf die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt” ergeben hätten.
Die Zeit, 09.01.2012, Nr. 02 - Immer besser verstehen Ärzte die Wechselwirkungen, mit denen im Mutterleib die Weichen für die körperliche und psychische Gesundheit des Kindes gestellt werden.
Die Zeit, 19.07.2013, Nr. 30</em - Seelische Gesundheit hängt davon ab, ob man die ganze Palette von Gefühlen je nach Lebenssituation empfinden kann.
Die Zeit, 05.04.2010, Nr. 14
As you can see, Gesundheit is associated with more than just physical health.
Activity 3
Naturschutz is another collocate strongly associated with Umwelt. Search for Naturschutz from the main DWDS page and scroll down to its word cloud. Then, click the Detailliertere Informationen link above the word cloud and scroll down to the table hat in Koordination mit. Find 4 economy branches which are strongly associated with nature conservancy. You can find their meaning in the online dictionary LEO.
Click on the words in the table to see their usage examples with Naturschutz. E.g.: Der Regierungschef sprach sich für eine praxisorientierte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz aus.
Activity 4
It is important to learn the German nouns together with their articles. Look at the 21 nouns that you learned in Activity 1-3 in the list below and identify 4 nouns that go with der, 15 nouns that go with die, and 2 nouns that go with das.
Activity 5
Read the examples below taken from the DWDS website with the verb schonen. Find nouns which it is referring to in the sentences below.
Activity 6
Next, search for the noun Natur and scroll down to its word cloud. Find 4 adjectives which frequently describe nature.
The adjective unberührt (“pristine”) is often used with the noun Natur. Read the examples below and find other nouns which it is also often used with.
Activity 7
Now, find the word cloud for Klima. Which 4 adjectives are the best to describe climate?
Klima is mainly used when talking about weather and environment. But in the word cloud you may recognize that it is also used to talk about something else.
Read the examples taken from the DWDS website below and find 3 adjectives which are used with Klima but have a slightly different meaning.
Activity 8
On your own. Using the words from this module, write 4-5 sentences about Umwelt. Pay careful attention to which adjectives are frequently used with Umwelt, Natur and Klima!
For example:
Die Kinder spielen gern in der Natur.
Die Umwelt ist sehr wichtig für uns.
Das feuchte Klima mag ich überhaupt nicht.
Schirin Kourehpaz & Nina Vyatkina