
Adjective Endings 2

Novice to Intermediate

In this module you will learn about the strong declension of adjectives, which is used whenever there is no article preceding the adjective. Because there is no article with an ending (such as der, den, dem, einer, einen, einem, etc.), the adjective has to take the ending. The adjective endings are almost identical to the articles and indicate the gender, case and number of the noun.

In this module it is very important to know the cases to be able to use the correct adjective endings. Please go back to the module Adjectives Endings 1 if you would like a brief review of cases.

Activity 1

Activity 2

First, let’s review some German sentences with nominative adjective endings when there is no article preceding the adjective. Read the sentences below and pay attention to the bolded words.  All of these examples are taken from Das Digitale Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache (DWDS), a large electronic collection of German texts known as a corpus.


Deutsche Qualität” stand drauf, war aber möglicherweise nicht drin: Beck’s-Trinker in den USA könnten bald entschädigt werden, weil die Brauerei Anheuser-Busch (AB) InBev die Herkunft des Bieres verschleiert haben soll.
Die Zeit, 26.06.2015 (online)


Deutscher Wein ist teuer und köstlich; Bier ist billiger und Volksgetränk (Bayern), Fischgerichte (Forellen) sind wohlbekannt.
Die Zeit, 04.12.1964, Nr. 49


Deutsches Bier wird in China immer beliebter.
Die Zeit, 21.04.2015 (online)

Now let’s look at some sentences with accusative adjective endings when there is no article preceding the adjective:


Und wenn du zurückkommst, gibt es warme Milch.
Die Zeit, 04.12.2014, Nr. 50


“Gibt es dort überhaupt guten Wein?”, hätten manche Blicke gefragt.
Zeit Magazin, 15.11.2017, Nr. 46


Zum Beispiel bekommt man überall deutsches Bier, das hier in Lizenz gebraut wird.
Die Zeit, 22.04.2004, Nr. 18

Finally, let’s review the dative adjective endings when there is no article preceding the adjective:


Da werden trockene und klein geschnittene Laugenbrezen mit warmer Milch und Sahne übergossen.
Zeit Magazin, 23.07.2009, Nr. 31


In warme Decken gehüllt und mit heißem Tee versorgt winkte das Trio in die Kameras.
Die Zeit, 07.09.2016 (online)


Als warmen Salat mit frischem Brot oder als Beilage zu Würstchen, Ente oder Schweinekoteletts servieren.
Zeit Magazin, 06.10.2017 (online)

As you can see, the adjective endings are almost identical to the articles and the adjectives have endings marking case and gender (instead of an article).

Activity 3

Based on what you observed above, select the appropriate adjective to complete the sentences below.  Note that the exercise provides the case and gender for each noun.

Activity 4

Type the correct accusative adjective endings in the blanks below, paying careful attention to the article and the gender. Remember that you can always consult the online dictionary LEO for the meaning of the nouns and adjectives. The first one has been done for you.

Activity 5

Type the correct dative adjective endings in the blanks below, paying careful attention to the article and the gender. The first one has been done for you.

Activity 6

Read the following German sentences from the DWDS corpus, paying careful attention to the bolded words. Type the correct adjective ending in the blank to complete each sentence.

Activity 7

Write one sentence for each case and gender using the examples above as models.  As we have covered 3 cases (Nominative, Accustaive, Dative) and 3 genders, you will need to write 9 sentences total. You may look up the meaning of words or verb conjugations in the DWDS corpus or in the LEO online dictionary


Nominative, Neuter => Rohes Fleisch ist ungesund.

Accusative, Masculine => Ich trinke heißen Kakao.

Dative, Feminine => Meine Freundin lernt mit lauter Musik.

 Schirin Kourehpaz & Nina Vyatkina


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