6.2 Genitive Case with Expressions of Quantity (Feminine and Neuter Plural)
In this module, you will be introduced to the regular endings for feminine and neuter nouns in the genitive plural, as well as the most common stem changes that occur in these noun forms.
Завдання 1
Note the genitive plural endings on feminine and neuter nouns after numerals and quantifiers below.

Це наш буди́нок. Тут є п’ять кімна́т.

Це моя́ улю́блена ву́лиця. Тут так бага́то дере́в!

Моя́ бабу́ся живе́ в селі́. Там небага́то ву́лиць.

Це мале́нька маршру́тка. Тут ті́льки два́дцять місць.
Select all the nouns that follow numerals or quantifiers. Then answer the questions that follow.
Завдання 2
Listen to the sentences and decide whether each is reasonable or nonsensical.
Завдання 3
Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of expressions of quantity thus far.
Завдання 4
Read the dialogue and mark all nouns that follow numerals, quantifiers (such as кі́лька – ‘several’) or the question “how much” – скі́льки. Then answer the questions below.
Завдання 5
Listen to the beginnings of the sentences and choose the most logical ending for each.
Завдання 6
Read the dialogues under the pictures and note the stem changes in each of the bolded nouns in genitive plural.

– Скажі́ть, будь ла́ска, ці цуке́рки сві́жі?
– Звича́йно!
– Тоді́ про́шу да́ти кілогра́м цуке́рок.

– Скажі́ть, будь ла́ска, ва́ші чере́шні соло́дкі?
– Так, па́ні, соло́дкі!
– Про́шу да́ти два кілогра́ми чере́шень.
Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of expressions of quantity thus far. Then answer the questions that follow.
Завдання 7
You are throwing a birthday party for a friend and are expecting about 12 guests. Choose the most reasonable quantity of each item for your party.
Just like with feminine nouns that end with consonant+ка or consonant+ня, the stems of singular neuter nouns that end with consonant+consonant+o change in genitive plural to make pronunciation easier. In most such nouns, –o– will be inserted between the last two consonants. –e– is inserted in a few nouns.
Remember these most common neuter nouns that undergo this stem modification:
одне́ вікно́ – шість ві́кон
одне́ лі́жко – п’ять лі́жок
одне́ крі́сло – ві́сім крі́сел (Note the -e-!)
It is also worth memorizing the genitive plural form of the neuter noun “яйце”:
одне́ яйце́ – де́сять яє́ць
Завдання 8
Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of expressions of quantity thus far.
Завдання 9
You will hear an advertisement of the restaurant Borshch, which includes some details about several dishes on its menu. Listen carefully and fill in the missing portion sizes (in grams) and prices per portion (in hryvnias) in the menu below. Type numbers only, as in the first line of the menu. Then answer the question that follows.
Мовний пазл
Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.
А тепер тест!
Complete the dialogs below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of expressions of quantity thus far.