5.3 Genitive Case for Direct Objects after Negation (Neuter and Masculine)
In this module, you will learn the genitive case forms for singular neuter nouns and become familiar with one set of genitive case forms for singular masculine nouns.
Завда́ння 1
Note how the endings on the direct object nouns change after negation.
– Хо́чеш пе́чиво?
– Я не їм пе́чива.
– Ти ма́єш комп’ю́тер?
– Я не ма́ю комп’ю́тера.
– Ти лю́биш мо́ре?
– Я не люблю́ мо́ря.
– Ти замо́вила лосо́сь?
– Ні, я не хо́чу лосо́ся.
Read the questions below and choose the best answer based on context. Then answer the questions that follow.
Just like with feminine nouns, the genitive case endings of neuter singular nouns coincide with neuter noun endings for nominative plural!
For example:
Я не хо́чу пи́ва. (Compare: Ми замо́вили два пи́ва.)
Він ще не ба́чив мі́сця. (Compare: Ми ма́ємо два мі́сця на балко́ні в о́пері.)
Завда́ння 2
Read each pair of sentences and select the sentence in which the last noun refers to a single thing (in genitive). Then answer the question that follows.
Just as with nominative plural forms, two types of singular neuter nouns do not change in the genitive case. The first type are neuter nouns that end with double consonant + я.
For example:
– Ти ро́биш завда́ння?
– Я не розумі́ю завда́ння!
The second type are neuter nouns that are foreign borrowings, such as меню́, інтерв’ю́, кафе́, таксі́, etc. For example:
– Ти ма́єш інтерв’ю́?
– Ні, я не ма́ю сього́дні інтерв’ю́.
Завда́ння 3
Read the dialogues below and mark all the direct object nouns in genitive. Then answer the questions that follow.
Завда́ння 4
Read the brief descriptions of these two people’s diets.

Приві́т! Я Соломі́я. Я ду́же люблю́ їсти! Пра́вда, я ма́ю алергі́ю на моло́чні проду́кти (‘dairy products’).

До́брий день! Мене́ зва́ти Петро́. Я вегетаріа́нець, але я їм моло́чні проду́кти. А ще я не п’ю алкого́лю.
Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about direct objects thus far.
Завда́ння 5
Read the dialogue between a study abroad student who just arrived in Ukraine and a Ukrainian friend who is helping the American student settle in. Mark all the things which the American student does not have in her room. Then answer the questions that follow.
Stem modifications that occur in masculine nouns in plural also happen in genitive singular forms.
For example, masculine nouns with the suffix –ець as well as the noun день and its derivatives drop the –е-:
оліве́ць – олівця́ (‘pencil’)
гамане́ць – гаманця́ (‘wallet’)
день – дня
ти́ждень – ти́жня (also drops the -д- for ease of pronunciation)
Of course, because they end with a soft sign, all the nouns above also end in –я in the genitive case.
Завда́ння 6
You will hear eight unfinished sentences. Choose the most appropriate word to complete each sentence.
Мо́вний пазл
Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.
А тепе́р тест!
Fill in the blanks with the correct noun forms to complete the conversations below.