
5.2 Inanimate Nouns as Direct Objects (Accusative and Genitive Cases)


In this module, you will learn when Ukrainian uses the genitive case for direct objects and become familiar with the genitive case forms for singular feminine nouns.

Завда́ння 1

Note how the ending on the direct object noun піцу changes when the verb is negated.

– Ти лю́биш пі́цу?
– Так, я ду́же люблю́ пі́цу.
– Ти лю́биш пі́цу?
– Ні, я не люблю́ пі́ци.

Match each question with a logical response based on context.  Then answer the question that follows.


Ukrainian uses the genitive case for direct objects in sentences with negated verbs. The genitive case endings of feminine singular nouns coincide with feminine noun endings for nominative plural!

For example:

Ми не замо́вили пі́ци.   (Compare: Тут є дві пі́ци.)

Завда́ння 2

Read the dialogue below and mark all the direct object nouns after negated verbs.  Then answer the questions that follow.

Завда́ння 3

Read each pair of sentences below and indicate in which the noun refers to a single thing (in genitive). Then answer the question that follows.


Just like in nominative plural, the feminine nouns that end with a husher (ш, ч, ж, щ) or a husher + а will take the ending –i in genitive singular. For example:

пло́ща → Я не ба́чу тут пло́щі.
ї́жа → Я не хо́чу ї́жі.
по́дорож Вона́ ніко́ли не ма́ла по́дорожі по Євро́пі. 

Similarly, the stem changes that occur in feminine nouns in nominative plural will also occur in genitive singular. For example:

ніч Ми не ма́ємо но́чі в Пари́жі.
річ Я не ма́ю тіє́ї ре́чі. 

Finally, the feminine nouns that end with a suffix –ість undergo the same stem changes in genitive singular as in nominative plural. For example:

націона́льність Я не зна́ю його́ націона́льності.
спеціа́льність Я ще не ма́ю спеціа́льності.

Завда́ння 4

You will hear eight sentences. Indicate whether the noun in each sentence refers to a single thing or to at least two things.

Завда́ння 5

You will hear the ending portion of sentences that end with a direct object. Choose an appropriate beginning portion for each to create a logical (and grammatically correct) sentence.  Then answer the question that follows.

Завда́ння 6

Read through the text and mark all the courses which either student mentions not taking at this term. Then answer the question that follows.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the texts below by providing the correct noun form. Then choose the most appropriate response.

Image courtesy of jeffreyw.


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