17.3 Genitive Case of Adjectives


In this module, you will learn the genitive case endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural. You will practice agreement between adjectives and nouns in all the genitive case contexts covered in Dobra forma. To review these contexts, see Module 5.2, Module 6.1, Module 7.1, Module 7.2, Module 7.3 and Module 7.4.

Завдання 1

Read the dialogues below and note the genitive case forms of the adjectives. Note also that most of these forms coincide with the accusative case forms of adjectives that modify animate nouns (see Module 17.2). Only the feminine adjectives have a distinct form (see the underlined endings below).

cake and ice cream
– Ти бу́деш шокола́дний торт чи вані́льне моро́зиво?– Ой, я не мо́жу ї́сти ні шокола́дного то́рта, ні вані́льного моро́зива. Я на діє́ті!
fried potatoes
– Бу́деш ї́сти сма́жену карто́плю?– Ні, дя́кую. Я не їм сма́женої карто́плі.
– Хо́чеш соло́дкі млинці́ з си́ром на десе́рт?– Ні, дя́кую. Я не люблю́ соло́дких млинці́в.

Select the best response to each question below.

Завдання 2

Choose the best caption for each of the pictures below.

Завдання 3

Mark all of the adjectives (including forms of the question word який) that appear in the genitive case in the conversation below.  Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 4

Select the most appropriate ending to the sentences that you hear.

Завдання 5

Mark all of the adjectives and ordinal numerals that appear in the genitive case in the dialogue below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 6

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate adjectives from the word bank.

Завдання 7

Read the captions below and note how the bolded adjective + noun phrases in the genitive case describe the underlined nouns. This is the attributive function of genitive that we saw in Module 7.4. Note also that the noun being described is in the case required grammatically by the sentence, but the phrase in the genitive must be specifically in that case to fulfill the attributive function.

woman in blue dress

На́дя купи́ла ду́же га́рну вечі́рню су́кню си́нього ко́льору.

map highlighting Eastern Europe

Мої́ америка́нські знайо́мі ціка́вляться істо́рією Схі́дної Євро́пи.

Ukrainian ceramics

Вчо́ра ми знайшли́ ціка́вий магази́н украї́нських сувені́рів.

Arrange the words below in the most natural word order to create logical sentences, ignoring the need to capitalize the word at the beginning of the sentence. Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 8

Listen to the statements and indicate whether they are reasonable or nonsensical.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the dialogue below by providing the appropriate adjectives from the bank.  Pay careful attention to the form of the adjective required by the grammatical context. You will use each adjective only once.

Images courtesy of Oleksandra Wallo, Jonathan Borba, pxfuel, Oleksandra Wallo (5), Muskan Sandhu, Emirr maplab, and pixabay.


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