
13.3 Personal Pronouns (Accusative and Genitive Cases after Prepositions)

family standing on an escalator

In this module, you will learn accusative and genitive case forms of personal pronouns after prepositions, some of which differ from the forms you have seen so far in this unit.

Завдання 1

Read the short text and mark all personal pronouns in the accusative and genitive cases. Note how the pronouns “he,” “she,” and “they” change their form after the preposition. Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 2

Listen to the following questions and choose the most appropriate response to each. Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 3

Complete the text below using the appropriate pronouns from the bank.

Завдання 4

Read the captions below and note how stress shifts in the accusative/genitive personal pronoun forms “me” and “you” when they are used after a preposition.

class presentation
До́брий день! Мене́ зва́ти Юрко́ Череда́.
У ме́не сього́дні презента́ція про політи́чну ситуа́цію в Украї́ні.
women talking
– Приві́т! Я тебе́ ба́чила сього́дні вра́нці.
– Так? А де?
– Ти ішла́ з магази́ну. У те́бе був вели́кий рюкза́к.

Complete the sentences below by selecting the appropriate pronoun.

Завдання 5

Listen to the following questions and choose the most appropriate response to each.

Завдання 6

Read the caption below and note how the accusative/genitive personal pronoun form “us” (as well as the plural “you”) does not change even when it is used after a preposition.

Klychko brothers
Віта́ємо вас! Нас зва́ти Віта́лій та Володи́мир Клички́.
Можли́во, ви чу́ли про нас? Ми коли́шні чемпіо́ни сві́ту з бо́ксу.

Caption the images below, paying careful attention to context in making your choice.

Завдання 7

Complete the dialogue between two friends having coffee using the appropriate pronouns from the bank.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the dialogues below by providing the appropriate pronouns based on context.


Images courtesy of Alex Bocharov, NeONBRAND, Visem, Piqsels, Vergo.


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Добра форма Copyright © 2022 by Oleksandra Wallo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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