
28.3 Verbs of Motion (піти – прийти, поїхати – приїхати)

woman riding a bike through a field

In this module, you will continue to learn how verbs of motion work in Ukrainian. You will become familiar with when and how to use the prefixes по- and при- with verbs of motion.

Завдання 1

Read the dialogues below, paying attention to the bolded verbs. Then answer the questions that follow.

students studying in plant-filled room
– Мико́ло, а де Андрі́й? Я його́ сього́дні тут не ба́чу…
– Так, Андрі́я нема́є. Він пої́хав на тре́нінг до Льво́ва.
bicycle with lake in the background
– Це велосипе́д Христи́ни?
– Так.
– А де ж Христи́на?!
– Вона́ пішла́ до води́ поми́ти (to wash) ру́ки.

A variety of prefixes can be added to the basic imperfective verbs of motion (ходи́ти, іти́, ї́здити, ї́хати), but the most common of them is по-.

When it is added to the unidirectional verbs (іти́ and ї́хати), the resulting meaning is that of beginning the action of going/leaving:

піти́ (to set out on foot)
пої́хати (to set out by vehicle)

Note that when added to іти́, the prefix loses the -о-.

Піти́ and пої́хати are perfective verbs, so they only have past- and future-tense forms (see module 27.4 for more information). These forms are identical to those of іти́ and ї́хати, except for the added prefixes.

The past-tense forms of піти́ and пої́хати are often used in explanations of why someone is not here and can be translated as “someone left [for some place]”:

Та́то пішо́в у банк, а ма́ма пішла́ на робо́ту.
(Dad left for the bank and Mom left for work.)

– Де сусі́ди? – Вони́ пої́хали на да́чу.
(– Where are the neighbors? – They left for the dacha.)

Завдання 2

Complete the statements below using the most appropriate destinations from the bank.

Завдання 3

You will hear six statements about people who have left for various places. For each statement, select the question which might have been asked to get that answer.

Завдання 4

Read the conversation below and mark all motion verbs that refer to future actions. Then answer the questions that follow.


The future-tense forms of піти́ and пої́хати are identical in form to the present-tense forms of іти́ and ї́хати, except for the prefixes. These forms have future meaning (“will go” or “will set out”) and refer to plans that are less definite than those expressed by the present-tense forms of the verbs іти́ and ї́хати.

За́втра ми піде́мо гуля́ти в центр.
(Tomorrow we’ll go for a walk downtown.)

На кані́кулах я пої́ду в по́дорож по Украї́ні.
(During the break I will set out on a trip around Ukraine.)

Завдання 5

Read the short texts about two individuals pictured below and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate verb forms from the bank.

male student walking on college campus
Це Ю́рій.
view of driver from the back seat
Це Павло́.

Завдання 6

Read the conversation below and mark all the verbs of motion. Then answer the questions that follow.


When the prefix при- is added to the unidirectional verbs іти́ and ї́хати, the resulting meaning is that of coming somewhere/arrival:

прийти́ (come/arrive on foot)
приї́хати (come/arrive by vehicle)

Сього́дні я прийду́ додо́му пі́зно.
(I will come home [literally: homeward] late tonight.)

Note that with the prefix при-, the variant йти is used instead of іти́.

Прийти́ and приї́хати are perfective verbs that only have past- and future-tense forms. These forms are identical to those of іти́ and ї́хати, except for the added prefixes and changes in the stress placement in the future-tense forms of прийти́:

я прийду́
ти при́йдеш
він/вона/воно при́йде
ми при́йдемо
ви при́йдете
вони при́йдуть

Завдання 7

Put the sentences about Petro’s stressful day into the correct chronological order.

Завдання 8

Complete the conversation below with the most appropriate verb forms from the bank.

Завдання 9

For each statement you hear, select the most appropriate follow-up question.

Мовний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепер тест!

Complete Diana’s diary entry below by providing the appropriate forms of піти́, пої́хати, прийти́, and приї́хати. Pay close attention to context to figure out which verb to use and in what tense, person, and number to put it.



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