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Добра форма book cover

Добра форма

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  968 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Oleksandra Wallo

Subject(s): Language teaching and learning

Institution(s): University of Kansas

Publisher: Open Language Resource Center, University of Kansas

Last updated: 05/03/2025

Dobra forma (Good Form) is a web-based overview of Ukrainian grammar with contextualized activities that enable students to internalize correct grammatical forms as they focus on the communication of meaning.
Communiquons book cover


CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  312 H5P Activities    French

Author(s): Gillian Weatherley, Clarisse Barbier Lee, Christina Lord, Jacob Hendrix, Ousmane Lecoq Diop, Danielle Schablitsky

Editor(s): Gillian Weatherley

Subject(s): Apprentissage des langues : grammaire, vocabulaire et prononciation

Last updated: 28/02/2025

A fourth-semester French curriculum that provides consolidation in five skill areas for intermediate proficiency.
Russian Aspect in Conversation book cover

Russian Aspect in Conversation

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  271 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Stephen M. Dickey, Kamila Saifeeva, Anna Karpusheva

Subject(s): Language acquisition

Publisher: Open Language Resource Center

Last updated: 19/02/2025

Russian aspect is complex in all of its dimensions—verbs are marked for aspect by an array of prefixes and suffixes, and the usage of perfective and imperfective verbs can be mysterious even for those who have learned Russian for years. Russian Aspect in Conversation is aimed at demystifying some important uses of imperfective verbs for learners of Russian at the intermediate level and above. It focuses on patterns of imperfective usage in infinitives, imperatives and the past tense that involve single completed actions and that are difficult for foreign learners to grasp. Each of the core modules consists of an introductory exercise, followed by more passive exercises focusing on interpretations of aspectual forms and then active exercise in which the student must choose the correct aspect in a context. The language material consists almost exclusively of conversational dialogues based on attestations in the Russian National Corpus and Russian fiction, films and online content, which utilize verbs typical of most intermediate- and advanced-level Russian textbooks.

Podcast: Israel’s Divides Explained book cover

Podcast: Israel’s Divides Explained

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): Rami Zeedan

Editor(s): Rami Zeedan

Subject(s): Society and Social Sciences

Institution(s): University of Kansas

Publisher: The University of Kansas

Last updated: 08/02/2025

Problem Solving in Teams and Groups book cover

Problem Solving in Teams and Groups

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): Cameron W. Piercy

Editor(s): Cameron W. Piercy

Subject(s): Business communication and presentation, Social groups, communities and identities, Interpersonal communication and skills

Last updated: 06/02/2025

Para vivir con salud book cover

Para vivir con salud

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   Spanish

Author(s): Kathryn Joy McKnight, Jill Kuhnheim

Subject(s): Biografías, literatura y estudios literarios, , Biografía: ciencia, tecnología y medicina, Material y trabajos de clase para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas, Enseñanza: lengua, literatura y alfabetización, Enseñanza, lengua materna/nativa: estudios literarios, Salud, enfermedad y adicción: aspectos sociales, Relativo a los hispanoamericanos/latinoamericanos (en EE.UU.), México, Centroamérica, Sudamérica, Latinoamérica, España

Last updated: 29/01/2025

We are asking anyone who adopts this webbook or uses portions of it in their teaching to please let us know at this link (click here).

Para vivir con salud: Leyendo la salud y la literatura is the first textbook to introduce literary and textual analysis of Hispanic literature through the lens of health, illness, and medicine. The book meets the needs of the fast-growing numbers of Spanish majors and minors who are preparing themselves for careers in healthcare, in which they will engage Hispanic communities. These students seek advanced-level study of Hispanic culture and language that prepares them to communicate about health-related issues. While a growing number of literature departments teach Spanish courses with a health focus and most require their majors and minors to take an introductory course in literary or textual analysis, the crucial connection between the study of literature and professionalization in healthcare is generally not being made for or by these students.

The movements of Narrative Medicine and Health Humanities have shown persuasively that healthcare providers benefit from a humanistic preparation that promotes empathy across difference; builds an understanding of how culture, language, and history shape our knowledge of health, illness, and medicine; and trains students in narrative competence to better understand and collaborate with patients and colleagues. Para vivir con salud is designed especially for the often-required Introduction to Hispanic Literature or Introduction to Textual Analysis course in most college Spanish programs, allowing individual sections to be transformed into a learning experience that prepares health professionals and brings them into greater engagement in literary and cultural studies in the Spanish major or minor.

Para vivir con salud includes classics of Hispanic narrative, drama, and poetry—pieces by authors such as Cervantes, Garcilaso, Sor Juana, Martí, Neruda, Castellanos, Pizarnik, and Morejón, less-well-known literary authors and a wealth of other types of cultural texts. While the primary genres of poetry, narrative and drama are well represented, the book includes expository essays, journalism, memoir, testimony, song, film, television, and visual art. It presents voices and experiences from the diverse Hispanic world, including European, Creole, Indigenous, Mestizo, Afro-Hispanic, Latinx, and Jewish perspectives. Selections are almost evenly divided between male and female authors. While the latter half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century comprise a little more than half of the selections, about 20% of the texts pre-date the twentieth century. Seventeen countries are represented, including the United States.

Incorporating Corpora book cover

Incorporating Corpora

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  324 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Nina Vyatkina, Schirin Kourehpaz

Editor(s): Nina Vyatkina

Subject(s): Computational and corpus linguistics

Publisher: Open Language Resource Center, University of Kansas

Last updated: 06/12/2024

Incorporating Corpora provides an online corpus-based workbook for teaching German to English-speaking learners. It includes a brief introduction to Data-Driven Learning, a guide for using one specific suite of German corpora, and a selection of corpus-based assignments.
Konuşan Paragraflar book cover

Konuşan Paragraflar

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  83 H5P Activities    Turkish

Author(s): Esra Predolac, Saadet Ebru Ergul

Subject(s): Dil Öğretimi ve Öğrenme

Publisher: Open Language Resource Center

Last updated: 06/12/2024

Konuşan Paragraflar (Talking Paragraphs) takes a process-oriented and student-centered approach geared specifically for Anglophone learners of Turkish trying to move from the intermediate to the advanced level. Activities are guided by the three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) and the exploration of authentic materials are structured to encourage cross-cultural comparisons.
Le pont: From Intermediate to Advanced French book cover

Le pont: From Intermediate to Advanced French

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  218 H5P Activities    French

Author(s): Gillian Weatherley, Clarisse Barbier Lee, Christina Lord, Jacob Hendrix, Ousmane Lecoq Diop, Danielle Schablitsky, Kristen Cypret

Editor(s): Gillian Weatherley

Subject(s): Apprentissage des langues : grammaire, vocabulaire et prononciation

Last updated: 06/12/2024

A complete French curriculum that provides a bridge for students transitioning from intermediate to advanced proficiency.
Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy, 2nd ed. book cover

Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy, 2nd ed.

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Meggie Mapes

Subject(s): Communication studies

Publisher: University of Kansas Libraries

Last updated: 22/10/2024

Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy (second edition) is a contemporary, interdisciplinary public speaking textbook that fuses rhetoric, critical/cultural studies, and performance to offer an up-to-date resource for students. With a focus on advocacy, this textbook invites students to consider public speaking as a political, purposeful form of information-sharing.