
H5P activities list

This book includes 968 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
11.1 ex 1Advanced fill the blanks
21.1 ex 2Question Set
31.1 ex 3Question Set
41.1 ex 4Advanced fill the blanks
51.1 ex 5Advanced fill the blanks
61.1 ex 6aMark the Words
71.1 ex 6bAdvanced fill the blanks
81.1 puzzleSummary
91.1 testAdvanced fill the blanks
101.1 test bAdvanced fill the blanks
111.2 ex 1aAdvanced fill the blanks
121.2 ex 1bAdvanced fill the blanks
131.2 ex 1cMark the Words
15m1.2 a2Question Set
161.2 ex 3Advanced fill the blanks
171.2 ex 4aAdvanced fill the blanks
181.2 ex 4bAdvanced fill the blanks
191.2 ex 5Question Set
201.2 ex 5bMark the Words
211.2 puzzleSummary
1 2 3 49