
23 Additional Tone Sandhi Rules

Tone sandhi rules for yī (one)

The word (one) bears a 1st tone when it is pronounced alone or at the end of an utterance.

  1. 统 一 tǒng yī
  2. 单 一 dān yī

It is produced with the 4th tone () when it is followed by the 1st, 2nd or 3rd tone.  For example:

  1. 一天 yī + tiān → yì tiān
  2. 一同 yī + tóng → yì tóng
  3. 一起 yī + qǐ → yì qǐ

When is followed by any syllable bearing a 4th tone, it is produced with a rising tone, with a pitch contour identical to that of the 2nd tone ().  For example:

  1. 一面 yī + miàn → yí miàn
  2. 一件 yī + jiàn → yí jiàn
  3. 一个 yī + gè → yí gè
  4. 一块 yī + kuài → yí kuài

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Tone sandhi rules for bù (not)

(not) also changes its tone depending on the tone of the following syllable.  When it is standing alone, or being followed by a 1st , 2nd or a 3rd tone syllable, it is pronounced with the 4th tone ().  For example:

  1. 不吃 bù + chī → bù chī
  2. 不忙 bù + máng → bù máng
  3. 不好 bù + hăo → bù hăo

When it is followed by a 4th tone syllable, it is pronounced with a 2nd tone (). For example:

  1. 不是 bù + shì → bú shì
  2. 不对 bù + duì → bú duì
  3. 不错 bù + cuò → bú cuò

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