9.2 Instrumental Case (Other Singular Endings and Stem Changes)
In this module, you will become familiar with two slightly different, less common endings of singular nouns in the instrumental case. You will also revisit three common stem changes that occur in some nouns.
Завда́ння 1
Look at the pictures and captions below. Note how the endings of bolded nouns change after the preposition з.

Це Марі́я і Андрі́й.
Марі́я з Андрі́єм в кафе́ на поба́ченні.

Андрі́й з Марі́єю замо́вили торт і чай.
Вони за́вжди замовля́ють торт з ча́єм.
Choose the most appropriate words to complete phrases with preposition з.
Завда́ння 2
Listen to the short conversations above and complete the short summary of what you hear.
Завда́ння 3
Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of instrumental case thus far.
Завда́ння 4
Look at the pictures and captions below. Note how the stem changes in the bolded nouns, which are in the genitive and the instrumental case.

– Вам ка́ву з цу́кром?
– Ні, дя́кую, без цу́кру. Цу́кор шкідли́вий.

– Бу́деш сала́т з оселе́дцем?
– Ні, дя́кую, я не люблю́ оселе́дця.
– А я ду́же люблю́ оселе́дець!
Choose the most appropriate words to complete the following phrases with preposition з.
Завда́ння 5
Look at the pictures and captions below. Note the stem changes in the bolded nouns in the instrumental case.

– Ось Ва́ша вода́.
– А де лід?
– Ви хоті́ли з льо́дом?
– Так, будь ла́ска.

– Це наш син з кото́м.
– Яки́й га́рний!
– Хто? Син чи кіт?
As the model above shows, some short masculine nouns with an –i– in their stem replace this –i– with an –o– in instrumental — as they do in all other cases other than the nominative singular. A few short masculine nouns, however, add a soft sign before this –o-.
The easiest way to remember that words like лід replace the vowel in the stem is to remember a complete phrase вода з льодом.
Choose the most appropriate words to complete the following phrases with preposition з.
Завда́ння 6
Complete the dialogues below by providing the missing words.
Мо́вний пазл
Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.
А тепе́р тест!
Complete the following sentences using the words provided below. Keep in mind that you may need to change the ending on the word to fit the grammatical context.