
5.1 Inanimate Nouns as Direct Objects (Accusative Case)

raspberries in a basket

In this module, you will become familiar with concept of a direct object and the fact that Ukrainian uses the accusative case for direct objects in affirmative sentences and questions.  You will also learn the accusative case forms for singular and plural inanimate nouns of all genders.

Завда́ння 1

Note how in each dialogue, the bolded words differ in the functions which they perform. In the first line of each dialogue, the bolded noun is the subject of the sentence. In the second line of each dialogue, the same bolded noun is the direct object. Note how the direct object is used without a preposition and follows a verb whose action is performed upon the object. Note also that the verb can be either explicitly stated in the sentence or implied (as in the second line of the second dialogue).

– Це га́рні карти́ни!
– О, так! Я ча́сто купу́ю карти́ни на ви́ставках.
– О, тут є лимона́д! Що ти замовля́єш?
– Га́мбургер і лимона́д.

Read the texts below and mark all nouns that are direct objects. Then answer the question that follows.


Ukrainian uses the accusative case for direct objects in affirmative sentences and questions. Out of inanimate nouns (nouns that refer to things or concepts rather than people or animals), only FEMININE nouns that end in –а or –я consistently change their form in the accusative case. The vast majority of other inanimate nouns (masculine, neuter, plural, feminine with consonant or –ь endings) have the same form in the nominative and the accusative cases.

For example:

Ми замо́вили сала́т, пі́цу, моро́зиво і фру́кти.

Завда́ння 2

Read the text and mark all the nouns that are direct objects.  Then answer the questions that follow.

Завда́ння 3

Listen to the following audio file and select the appropriate answers to the questions you hear.

Завда́ння 4

Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about accusative case thus far.


Feminine nouns that end with a consonant or –ь do not change their form in the accusative case.

For example:

Я купи́ла капу́сту і сіль.
У Ки́єві ми ма́ємо ті́льки оди́н день і одну́ ніч.

Завда́ння 5

Arrange the lines below in the correct order to create a short telephone conversation between a husband and a wife. Then read through the reassembled conversation and mark all the nouns that are direct objects.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

In each sentence below, fill in the blank with the correct noun form. Then choose the most appropriate response to each question.

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