4.1 Locative Case (Use of в and у)
In this module, we will begin our review of the use of the locative case of nouns to express being “in” or “at” a place. Special consideration will be given to when one generally uses the preposition в and when one uses the preposition у.
Завда́ння 1
Look at the picture captions below and note how the ending on the noun changes in the locative case.

Це університе́т

Це студе́нти в університе́ті
Choose the best captions for the pictures below.
За́вдання 2
Note how the noun forms in the picture captions change.

Шокола́д в моро́зиві.

Моро́зиво в шокола́ді.
Choose the best captions for the pictures below.
Завда́ння 3
Where are each of the following professions practiced?
Завда́ння 4
Where are these items most likely to be found?
Завда́ння 5
Listen to the audio and indicate the country in which each person lives.
Мо́вний пазл
Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.
А тепе́р тест!
Fill in the blanks with either preposition в or у, and fill in the correct ending on nouns: either nominative or locative ending -і.