
30.1: Adverbs (Formation from Adjectives)

candle on a table on a balcony surrounded with plants

In this module, you will learn how to form adverbs from adjectives and ordinal numerals.

Завдання 1

Read the captions below paying attention to the bolded words. Then answer the questions that follow.

– Яка́ за́тишна кав’я́рня!
– Так, тут ду́же за́тишно сиді́ти і пи́ти ка́ву.
zoomed out view of an old castle. It is in the countryside next to a river.
– Ти ба́чив за́мок в Хотині́? Він таки́й кла́сний!
– Так, ми були́ в Хотині́ влі́тку.
– І як?
– Там було́ ду́же кла́сно!

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Many adverbs are derived from adjectives and called “deadjectival.” Most of these adverbs are formed by replacing the adjectival ending -ий with (equivalent to the English -ly):

га́рний → га́рно (beautifully)
ціка́вий → ціка́во (interestingly)
пога́ний → пога́но (badly)
норма́льний → норма́льно (normally)
зру́чний → зру́чно (conveniently)
особли́вий → особли́во (especially)

Adverbs formed from soft-stem adjectives replace -ій with -ьо:

сере́дній → сере́дньо (“averagely,” in an average manner)
доста́тній → доста́тньо (sufficiently)

While adjectives answer the question яки́й, deadjectival adverbs answer the question як:

Як ти? (How are you (doing)?)
Чудо́во! (Wonderfully)

Завдання 2

Select the most appropriate response to each question you hear.


There are a few deadjectival adverbs that end in instead of . These adverbs are formed from adjectives with a stem ending in a husher (-ж-, -ч-, -ш-, -щ-) or -р-:

гаря́чий → га́ряче (hotly)
до́брий → до́бре (well)

The adverb ду́же (very), which is used mostly as an intensifier in front of adjectives and other adverbs, is also derived from an adjective (ду́жий – mighty).

Adverbs that end in coincide with the neuter form of the adjective:

У не́ї до́бре се́рце. (She has a good heart.)
Він до́бре малю́є. (He draws well.)

However, sometimes such an adverb has a different stress from the adjective, which helps one to tell them apart:

гаря́че вино́ vs. тут га́ряче

Finally, a few adverbs have parallel forms that can end in or . Remember this common one:

напе́вно = напе́вне (probably)

Завдання 3

Select the most appropriate follow-up to each statement that you hear.

Завдання 4

Mark all deadjectival adverbs in the conversation below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 5

Read the brief conversation below and pay attention to the bolded words. Then answer the questions that follow.

close up of raspberries
– Ді́ти, ї́жте мали́ну! Диві́ться, яка́ га́рна!
– Я не хо́чу…
– І я не хо́чу!
– Ї́жте, ї́жте! По-пе́рше, це ду́же ко́рисно. По-дру́ге, це сма́чно. А по-тре́тє, в нас її́ ду́же бага́то! Хто її́ бу́де ї́сти?!


One can also form useful adverbs from ordinal numerals, which have adjectival endings. The most commonly used among them are adverbs with the prefix по-, which is attached to the front of the ordinal numeral with a hyphen. In all of these adverbs, the adjectival endings will be replaced by , or for soft-stem ordinal numerals (see module 16.3 for more on ordinal numerals):

пе́рший → по-пе́рше (firstly, first of all)
дру́гий → по-дру́ге (secondly)
тре́тій → по-тре́тє (thirdly)
четве́ртий → по-четве́рте (fourthly)

Just like in English, these adverbs are used in the beginning of the sentence and are separated from the rest of the sentence with a comma.

Завдання 6

Complete the conversation below with the most appropriate adverbs from the bank.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепер тест!

Complete the dialogue below with the most appropriate adverbs. You will need to form them from the adjectives and ordinal numerals in the bank. Use each adjective/ordinal numeral only once.


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