25.1 Future Tense of Verbs (With бути)
In this module, you will learn how to form the future tense of many Ukrainian verbs with the help of the verb бу́ти.
Завдання 1
Read the conversation below and mark all the forms of the verb “бу́ти” (to be). Then answer the questions that follow.
The conjugated forms of the verb бу́ти take the hard-vowel endings of the first conjugation, like the verbs писа́ти and жи́ти (я бу́ду…). However, the conjugated forms of this verb have future meaning (will be):
Я ско́ро бу́ду вдо́ма. (I will be home soon.)
Де ви бу́дете за́втра? (Where will you be tomorrow?)
In the present tense, this verb has only the form є, which is used for all persons (am/are/is). See module 21.4 on the usage of є.
All of the future forms of бу́ти add regular hard-vowel endings of the first conjugation to the stem буд-:
бу́ти | |
я | бу́ду |
ти | бу́деш |
він/вона/воно | бу́де |
ми | бу́демо |
ви | бу́дете |
вони | бу́дуть |
Завдання 2
Select the most appropriate way to complete each question you hear.
Завдання 3
Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb forms from the bank. Then respond to the question that follows.
Завдання 4
Arrange the lines of the dialogue below in the correct order. Then answer the questions that follow.
The conjugated future-tense forms of бу́ти are used to form the future tense of many other verbs in Ukrainian. This future-tense form is known as the “analytic” one, meaning that it consists of several distinct words:
a conjugated future-tense form of бу́ти (бу́ду, бу́деш…) + the infinitive of the needed verb
- Я бу́ду жи́ти в Євро́пі. (I will live in Europe.)
- Ви бу́дете подорожува́ти влі́тку? (Will you travel in the summer?)
Завдання 5
Read the short texts about the people pictured below. Then listen to the beginnings of sentences describing their future plans and select the most appropriate way to complete each sentence.

Це Мари́на. Їй ду́же подо́бається малюва́ння. Її́ і́нші захо́плення – це джаз і літерату́ра. Коли́сь вона́ люби́ла те́ніс, а за́раз ду́же лю́бить пла́вання.

Це Та́ня і Макси́м. Вони́ майбу́тні архіте́ктори. Вони́ вже рік зустріча́ються. На вихідни́х вони́ ча́сто танцю́ють в клу́бах або́ гуля́ють в мі́сті. Та́ня ду́же лю́бить го́ри, а Макси́м лю́бить лови́ти ри́бу в о́зері.
Завдання 6
Look at the photo and read the social media post written by Tania from the activity above about her and Maksym’s trip to the Carpathian mountains. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate verb forms from the bank.
Мовний пазл
Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements to summarize what you have learned.
А тепе́р тест!
Provide the appropriate verbs in the blanks of the text. Select words from the bank, changing their form to the present, past, or future tenses. Each verb can be used only once.