23.1 Present Tense of -ся Verbs (First Conjugation)
In this module, you will become familiar with the so-called -ся verbs and their usage in the present tense. You will learn present-tense forms of those -ся verbs that belong to the first conjugation.
Завдання 1
Mark all the forms of the verb “to smile” in the dialogue below. Then answer the questions that follow.
There are a number of verbs in Ukrainian that end with -ся. Some of them are reflexive, denoting an action that a person does to oneself, such as ми́тися (to wash oneself). Other -ся verbs are reciprocal, denoting something that is done mutually, such as ба́читися (to see each other). Still other -ся verbs do not appear to have meanings of reflexivity or reciprocity, yet nevertheless end in -ся. The verb усміха́тися (to smile) from the activity above is one such verb.
Regardless of the meaning, all -ся verbs change their endings in the present tense depending on the person, but these endings precede the -ся. Just like other verbs, -ся verbs belong to one of two conjugations and their present-tense endings differ somewhat between the two conjugations.
Усміха́тися belongs to the first conjugation and its pattern of present-tense endings is very similar to the чита́ти type. Compare:
чита́ти | усміха́тися | |
я | чита́ю | усміха́юся |
ти | чита́єш | усміха́єшся |
він/вона/воно | чита́є | усміха́ється |
ми | чита́ємо | усміха́ємося |
ви | чита́єте | усміха́єтеся |
вони | чита́ють | усміха́ються |
Note that only the third-person singular ending of the -ся verb (underlined) deviates from the чита́ти type.
Many common -ся verbs belong to the first conjugation and conjugate exactly like усміха́тися.
Завдання 2
Complete the sentences below using words from the bank.
Завдання 3
Place the lines below in the correct order to construct short dialogues. Then answer the questions that follow.
Завдання 4
Answer the questions that you hear below.
Завдання 5
Mark all -ся verbs in the present tense in the social media post below. Then answer the questions that follow.
Завдання 6
Select the image that best matches the overheard phone conversation. Then answer the questions that follow.



There are a number of -ся verbs that drop the –ва– suffix in all present-tense forms, just like the verbs of the працюва́ти type. These are the verbs that end in –уватися or –юватися, such as:
одру́жуватися | (to get married) |
користува́тися | (to use; see Module 10.1 for activities with this verb ) |
запі́знюватися | (to be late) |
захо́плюватися | (to be passionate about; see Module 10.2 for activities with this verb) |
запі́знюватися | |
я | запі́знююся |
ти | запі́знюєшся |
він/вона/воно | запі́знюється |
ми | запі́знюємося |
ви | запі́знюєтеся |
воні | запі́знюються |
Note that -ся verbs with a vowel different from у or ю preceding the -ва– do NOT lose this suffix in the present tense:
назива́тися (to be called) → Мі́сто назива́ється Полта́ва.
Завдання 7
Complete the dialogue below using words from the bank.
Завдання 8
Listen to the prompts below and complete the response to each by providing the correct present-tense form of the -ся verb that you hear. Then answer the questions that follow.
Мо́вний пазл
Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements to summarize what you have learned.
А тепе́р тест!
Complete the dialogue below using the appropriate present tense forms of the verbs in the bank. You should only use each verb once.