
22.2 Present Tense of Verbs (Говорити and Любити Types)

bikers sitting by water

In this module, you will become familiar with the present-tense endings of two additional verb types that belong to the second conjugation. They are the говори́ти (to speak) type and the люби́ти (to like/to love) type.

Завдання 1

Mark all the forms of the verb “to speak” in the conversation below.  Then answer the questions that follow.


The verb говори́ти represents the pattern of endings in the second conjugation that include soft vowels in two persons and hard vowels in the rest of the forms. They are most similar to the present-tense endings of the сиді́ти type.

  сиді́ти говори́ти
я сиджу́ говорю́
ти сиди́ш гово́риш
він/вона/воно сиди́ть гово́рить
ми сидимо́ гово́римо
ви сидите́ гово́рите
вони сидя́ть гово́рять

Note that only the endings of the first-person singular differ between the two types.

Another common verb that belongs to the говори́ти type is дзвони́ти (to ring/to call on the phone).


Завдання 2

Select the most appropriate responses to the questions you hear below.

Завдання 3

Complete the sentences below using the verb forms from the bank.

Завдання 4

Mark all the forms of the verb “to like/to love” in the conversation below.  Then answer the questions that follow.


The verb люби́ти represents a type of second-conjugation verb that has the same present-tense endings as the говори́ти type, but it includes a consonant mutation in two forms – the first-person singular and the third-person plural. Note the bolded consonant mutations:

я люблю́
ти лю́биш
він/вона/воно лю́бить
ми лю́бимо
ви лю́бите
вони лю́блять

Several common verbs belong to the люби́ти type, including роби́ти (to do/to make), спа́ти (to sleep), and губи́ти (to lose). All of these verbs add –л– to their stems in the first-person singular and the third-person plural.


Завдання 5

Choose the most appropriate caption for each picture below.

Завдання 6

Indicate whether each of the statements you hear below is likely or unlikely.

Завдання 7

Complete the short dialogues below using the verb forms from the bank.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the dialogue below using the words from the bank in the present tense. You should use each verb only once.

Images courtesy of Viktor Bystrov, Andriyko Podilnyk.


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