
21.1 Present Tense of Verbs (Читати Type)

girl sitting in the woods

In this module, you will become familiar with the most common verb endings in the present tense. These endings are used by the majority of verbs in the first conjugation and may be thought of as the чита́ти type.

Завдання 1

Look at Oksana’s and Maksym’s summer plans and then read their conversation below to see how well they are keeping to those plans.

young woman
Це Окса́на, а це її́ план на лі́то:

  • Чита́ти
  • Пла́вати
  • Гуля́ти
young man
Це Макси́м, а це його́ план на лі́то:

  • Вивча́ти англі́йську
  • Гра́ти в те́ніс
  • Пла́вати

– Приві́т, Окса́но! Як кані́кули?
– Су́пер! Я бага́то чита́ю, гуля́ю в па́рку і ча́сто пла́ваю в басе́йні. А як твої́ кані́кули, Макси́ме?
– До́бре. Я бага́то відпочива́ю, слу́хаю му́зику і тако́ж і́нколи пла́ваю.
– А де ти пла́ваєш?
– В озе́рі на да́чі.


As may be seen from the activity above, most verbs of the чита́ти type end in -ати or -яти in the infinitive. They are the most common type of verbs that belongs to the first conjugation in Ukrainian—one of two groups of verbs determined by the pattern of endings used in the present tense. While there are some exceptions to this rule, by and large verbs that end with -ати or -яти will conjugate like чита́ти.

However, some other verbs belong to this group as well, and their endings in the infinitive are not a reliable predictor of their conjugation. These verbs need to be memorized. Remember these three common ones:

розумі́ти (to understand): Ти мене́ розумі́єш?
вмі́ти (to know how to do sth.): Ти вмі́єш пла́вати?
чу́ти (to hear): Ти мене́ чу́єш?


Завдання 2

Place the lines below in the correct order to reconstruct the short dialogues. Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 3

Complete the sentences below by providing the person most likely to engage in each action. Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 4

Complete the telephone conversation below using the appropriate verbs forms from the bank.

Завдання 5

Select the best response to each question that you hear.

Завдання 6

Mark all the present tense plural verb forms in the conversation below.  Then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 7

Complete the conversation below using the appropriate verbs forms from the bank.

Завдання 8

Select the most appropriate caption for each image and then answer the questions that follow.


In the activities above, you have seen all the present tense forms of verbs that belong to the чита́ти type. In textbooks and reference grammars, these forms are often listed together for any particular verb in this order:

я чита́ю
ти чита́єш
він/вона/воно чита́є
ми чита́ємо
ви чита́єте
вони чита́ють

All verbs of the чита́ти type use this set of endings in the present tense.


Завдання 9

Complete the sentences that you hear by indicating whether the grandfather or his grandchildren are most likely to engage in the given activities. Then answer the question that follows.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the conversation below by selecting the appropriate verbs from the banks and providing the present tense form to fit the given context. You should use each verb only once.


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