
20.1 Comparative Degree of Adjectives

water with reflection of buildings

In this module, you will become familiar with the most common comparative forms of adjectives. You will also learn how to structure comparisons with the help of the conjunction ніж.

Завдання 1

Select the most appropriate caption for each image. Note the comparative forms of adjectives (bolded) and answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 2

Mark all comparative-form adjectives that describe positive qualities in the conversation below.  Then answer the questions that follow.



One of the most common structures of comparison in Ukrainian is with the conjunction ніж (=than):

Тури́н тихі́ший, ніж Рим.

Note the obligatory comma before ніж. Note also that in a basic comparison (as in the sentence above), the main nouns compared and the comparative-form adjective itself are in the nominative case.


Завдання 3

Read the comparative statements below and select the person who would be more likely to hold each view.

Завдання 4

Read the image captions and note a different common pattern of forming the comparative degree of adjectives. This pattern often occurs in adjectives with a suffix -к-. Other adjectives with this pattern (like деше́вий) must be memorized.

Це ла́те соло́дке, але́ капучи́но ще соло́дше.

A photo of many embroidered shirts in a shop.

Ця вишива́нка деше́ва, а ця деше́вша.

Mark the comparative-form adjectives of the -ш- type as in the captions above. Then respond to the questions that follow.

Завдання 5

You will hear eight questions. Select the best response to each.


Ukrainian has two comparative forms for the adjective “older”: ста́рший and старі́ший. Ста́рший is mostly used to describe people – in the meanings of both “older” and “elderly.” Старі́ший is commonly used with objects and other inanimate nouns. For example:

Мій брат ста́рший, ніж я.
На конце́рті було́ бага́то ста́рших лю́дей.
Наш автомобі́ль старі́ший, ніж ваш.


Завдання 6

Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the most appropriate adjectival forms from the bank.

Завдання 7

Read the series of dialogues at a restaurant and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate adjectives from the bank.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Provide the appropriate adjectives in the blanks. Select words from the bank, changing their form where it is required by the context. You should use each adjective only once.


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