
11.1 Dative Case (Feminine Nouns)

man sitting by a tree being handed something

In this module, you will become familiar with the concept of an indirect object for which Ukrainian uses the dative case. You will also learn dative case endings for feminine singular nouns.

Завдання 1

Note how in each dialogue below the underlined verb is followed by two nouns. The noun in italics is the direct object and is therefore in the accusative case (for more on direct objects, see Module 5.1). The bolded noun is the indirect object: it is the recipient or the beneficiary of the action and is often (but not always) an animate noun. Ukrainian uses the dative case for indirect objects. Note how the indirect object can either follow or precede the direct object.

– Приві́т, ти де?
– Я в апте́ці. Купу́ю бабу́сі лі́ки.

– Що ти ро́биш?
Шука́ю подару́нок ма́мі.

Read the dialogues below and mark all the nouns that are indirect objects (recipients or beneficiaries of the actions). Then answer the questions that follow.


For singular feminine nouns, the dative case endings coincide with the locative case endings. Compare:

Андрі́й готу́є сніда́нок на ку́хні. – Андрі́й готу́є дити́ні сніда́нок.
Оста́п був на конфере́нції. – Оста́п пока́зує Марі́ї фо́то.
У нас в сім’ї́ є чоти́ри юри́сти. – Ти ча́сто дару́єш сім’ї́ подару́нки?

Consonant mutations that occur in singular feminine nouns in the locative case also happen in the dative case. Compare:

Сестра́ працю́є в бібліоте́ці. – Батьки́ подарува́ли дочці́ соба́ку.
На доро́зі бага́то маши́н. – Я пишу́ іме́йл по́друзі.

Завдання 2

Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of dative case thus far.

Завдання 3

Віктор has been planning presents for his family, friends and a pet. Complete the sentences below about the gifts that he will give.


Sentences with an indirect object (the recipient or beneficiary of an action) do NOT also have to contain a direct object. Sometimes the latter is implied.
For example:

Що ти ро́биш?
Пишу́ Соломі́ї.
(an email, a text message, etc.)

There are also verbs in Ukrainian that have the meaning of a certain direct object built into them, so to speak. These verbs are used with the indirect object only in the dative case.
Remember these four most common ones:

дзвони́ти (to call = to give a call) → Я дзво́ню ма́мі.
телефонува́ти (to telephone = to give a phone call) → Дире́ктор телефону́є коле́зі.
відповіда́ти (to respond = to give a response) → Він рі́дко відповіда́є роди́ні на іме́йли.
допомага́ти (to help = to give help) → Внук ча́сто допомага́є бабу́сі.

Завдання 4

You will hear a series of six unfinished sentences. Select the most appropriate ending for each sentence based on the context provided.


Besides the indirect object, the dative case is also used in Ukrainian to speak about the age of someone (or something), literally “to someone/something [it is] so many years.” For example:

Сестрі́ два́дцять два ро́ки.
Філаде́льфії три́ста три́дцять ві́сім ро́ків.

Завдання 5

Examine the images and choose the most likely age of what is shown.

Завдання 6

Listen to short, unfinished descriptions of various people. Complete each description with the most likely age of the person being described.

Завдання 7

Read the text below and mark all nouns in the dative case. Then answer the questions below.

Мовний пазл

А тепер тест!

Read the dialogue and type in the words from the bank below in their correct forms.

сестра   |   дочка   |   картина   |   мама   |   сім’я   |   дитина   |   школа


Images courtesy of Ben White.


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