
10.3 Instrumental Case after Verbs (працювати, бути, and стати)

doctor crossing their arms

In this module, you will work with three commonly used verbs that must be followed by nouns in the instrumental case. These verbs are used to discuss status, profession/occupation, or identity.

Завда́ння 1

Look at the sentences in the model below. Note the required use of the instrumental case for the noun indicating profession when the verb працюва́ти (‘to work as’) is used. Note also the instrumental form of the question word “who” when an inquiry about someone’s occupation includes the verb працюва́ти.

Ким працю́ють Ва́ші батьки́?
– Ма́ма працю́є лі́каркою в ліка́рні, а та́то працю́є економі́стом у ба́нку.

Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of instrumental case thus far.

Завда́ння 2

Look at the sentences in the model below. Note the required use of the instrumental case for the noun indicating a profession/status when the verb бути (‘to be’) is explicitly used in the sentence.

Вчо́ра моя́ сестра́ ще була́ школя́ркою, а сього́дні вона́ вже студе́нтка.

Мій друг вивча́є медици́ну. Він бу́де медбра́том.

Complete the text below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of instrumental case thus far. If nothing is required in the blank, select the dash.

Завда́ння 3

Look at the sentence in the model below. Note the required use of the instrumental case for the noun indicating a profession when the verbs бути (‘to be’) and стати (‘to become’) are used.

Мій та́то був інжене́ром, а став бізнесме́ном.

Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of instrumental case thus far.

Завда́ння 4

Look at the sentence in the model below.  Note once again the required use of the instrumental case for the noun after the verb ста́ти (‘to become’).

Мій брат вивча́є фі́зику. Він ста́не науко́вцем.

Listen to the descriptions about people’s future professions in the audio below. For each person, choose the description of the person’s present likes/actions that best matches their future profession.

Завда́ння 5

Read the introductory phrases below and then choose the most appropriate ending for each sentence.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А те́пер тест!

Complete the text below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of instrumental case.

Images courtesy of Tima Miroshnichenko.


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