
10.2 Instrumental Case after Verbs (цікавитися, захоплюватися, and займатися)

tennis player walking

In this module, you will work with three commonly used verbs that must be followed by nouns in the instrumental case. These verbs relate to expressing interests.

Завда́ння 1

Look at the pair of sentences in the model below. Note the use of the instrumental case after the verb ціка́витися (‘to be interested in’).

Полі́тика – ціка́ва річ.
Я ціка́влюся полі́тикою.

Listen to the statements about people’s interests in the audio below. For each statement, choose the profession that most closely matches that person’s interests.

Завда́ння 2

Look at the pairs of sentences in the model below. Note the required use of the instrumental case after the verb захо́плюватися (‘to be passionate about’).

Я ду́же люблю́ рок-му́зику.
Я захо́плююся рок-му́зикою.

Я ду́же люблю́ волейбо́л.
Я захо́плююся волейбо́лом.



Мико́ла Ма́ма Та́то Я (Окса́на)
футбо́л чита́ння бокс гімна́стика
пла́вання йо́га комп’ю́тери малюва́ння

Look at the chart above to find out about the hobbies of Окса́на, her brother Мико́ла, and their parents.  Use that information to fill in the blanks with the words provided below the text.  Pay careful attention to the verb that precedes each blank.

Завда́ння 3

Look at the pairs of sentences in the model below. Note the required use of the instrumental case after the verb займа́тися (‘to do as a hobby or occupation’).

Анто́н – істо́рик.
Він займа́ється історією.

На́дя хо́дить у спортза́л.
Вона́ займа́ється спо́ртом.

Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the use of instrumental case thus far.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the sentences below by providing the correct verb and noun forms.

Images courtesy of John Fornander and Dawn Hudson.


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