
Chapter 24: The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation, 1919-1929

a nineteenth-century term for the illegal transport of alcoholic beverages that became popular during prohibition
someone who lives outside of their home country
a young, modern woman who embraced the new morality and fashions of the Jazz Age
a small town north of Los Angeles, California, whose reliable sunshine and cheaper production costs attracted filmmakers and producers starting in the 1910s; by the 1920s, Hollywood was the center of American movie production with five movie studios dominating the industry
Lost Generation
a group of writers who came of age during World War I and expressed their disillusionment with the era
Model T
the first car produced by the Ford Motor Company that took advantage of the economies of scale provided by assembly-line production and was therefore affordable to a large segment of the population
moving assembly line
a manufacturing process that allowed workers to stay in one place as the work came to them
the rejection of outside influences in favor of local or native customs
Negro nationalism
the notion that African Americans had a distinct and separate national heritage that should inspire pride and a sense of community
new morality
the more permissive mores adopted my many young people in the 1920s
return to normalcy
the campaign promise made by Warren Harding in the presidential election of 1920
Scopes Monkey Trial
the 1925 trial of John Scopes for teaching evolution in a public school; the trial highlighted the conflict between rural traditionalists and modern urbanites
Second Ku Klux Klan
unlike the secret terror group of the Reconstruction Era, the Second Ku Klux Klan was a nationwide movement that expressed racism, nativism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Catholicism
Teapot Dome scandal
the bribery scandal involving Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall in 1923


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